Get to know us.
The Lewis County Hospital Foundation, Inc., located at Lewis County General Hospital, is a 501(c)3 not for profit, charitable corporation.
The Hospital Foundation was established in 2001 as the fundraising organization that provides financial support to the Lewis County Health System by conducting appeals, writing grants, securing sponsorships, holding events and cultivating legacy gifts and bequests.
Our Mission
Our Mission
The mission of the Lewis County Hospital Foundation is to enrich and enhance the hospital’s high-quality healthcare services by building strong community relationships and raising funds to invest in the future of our hospital.

Lewis County Hospital Foundation
Board of Directors
The Lewis County Hospital Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of community and business leaders as well as healthcare professionals who are committed to raising funds to advance the mission of the Lewis County Hospital Foundation.
Michael Young, Esq.-Chair
Kyle Logan-Vice Chair
Robert Pfeiffer-Secretary/Treasurer
Gerald Cayer, CEO-President
David Bryant
Jan Lehman
Brian McGrath, Esq.
Lynne Worden
JoAnne Rhubart-Executive Director